

The Hexadecimal Representation of Pi by Sounds, Implemented  in 16-edo & DTMF

a) 128 hexadecimal digits of Pi, played in 16-equal division of the octave.

16edo is notated as Mavila, with G = 675 ¢, implying # = -75 ¢ and b = + 75 ¢, with opposite effects with respect to the customary accidentals.

b) 128 hexadecimal digits of Pi, played in DTMF.

This is implemented as in the following 4x4 kepypad:

where * represents F and # represents E.

Each hex digit gives rise to two simultaneous sounds, according to the above table.

DTMF is well approximated by the 14-equal division of a sharp octave, as large as 1213.44 ¢, hence it's notated here as 14-equal division of the octave. This implies that G = 693.39 ¢, and there are two chains of 7 fifths, separated by a # = 86.67 ¢.

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